Don’t forget to stop by the pool store in case you forget any snacks, sundries or swimsuits. Fees are required for entrance to the adult pool, as well as non-Excalibur guests looking to join in the fun. Pool access is complimentary for Excalibur guests. Catch glimpses of the palm trees dotting the pool deck as you slide down, and walk through the waterfalls flowing off the rocks as you wade through the pool to get back in line. Nestled in the rock formations on the water’s edge, this is one of the only water slides on the Strip.
Don’t forget to take a trip down the water slide. While most of the deck is kid-friendly, the adults-only pool is another perk of the property, and has more plush seating areas and daybeds to up the luxury factor. Orange cabanas and umbrellas are spread out over four pools on Excalibur’s pool deck, which are all available for rent throughout pool season. Swimming Pools at the Excalibur Las VegasĮxcalibur is a famous themed hotel on the Strip, and the pool deck has a theme of its own: relaxation.